Friday, July 16, 2010

Axes: Tool or Art?

Peter Buchanan-Smith of Best Made Co.

By now, everyone should be familiar with the crescendo for authenticity within the style blogsphere and the fever pitch moment that occurred when Gilt pushed axes as great father's day gifts, but you may not know the story behind the ax or the man who became uneasy when his product went viral.  Well, thanks to The New Times, the story is now revealed. Meet designer Peter Buchanan-Smith and learn that along with his talent for making axes, he advised Isaac Mizrahi and Philip Glass on graphic design, redesigned Paper magazine and won a Grammy for an album cover he made for his favorite band, Wilco.

Axes can also be purchased at Partners & Spade.


  1. $250-$500, for an Axe? My father would have killed me if I bought an Axe, for work, to split and cut wood, for $250-$500. I saw an American forged hickory handled Axe at a local Gwill ($9.99) just yesterday, offered it up to a fellow (though older) old-school 'merican, looking for tools, and he shared my sentiments and desires. "I already have one, why do I need two?". The first time some bloke tries to split some wood for an evening's winter/fall fire (or out here, a summer winter spring fall fire) and misses the wood and smashes that handle there goes the "art". BTW one should always use a maul to split wood and an axe to cut... (hatchet for splitting kindling).

  2. Recently my uncle passed away, and when cleaning out his garage, I came upon lots of hatchets. He was from Maine where this sort of tool comes in handy daily. But here in the 21st C I keep these babies away from the wife.

    (Just kidding -- she loves me. Really, she does. Really)
