Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Archives: LL Bean Lounger Boots

LL Bean Lounger Boots

Lead by JRS of Red Clay Soul: Operation re-produce LL Bean Lounger Boots has officially begun. Show your support by leaving a comment.

Open Letter to LL Bean:

Dear LL Bean,

For those of us that live down South, there are two perfect shoes produced by you: the Rubber Moc and the Lounger Boots. We don't get a lot of snow, so there isn't need for a bunch of laces. Just something to slip on slip off while keeping up that good looking style.

Please start offering your Lounger Boot again - they are sorely missed by quite a few of us.

All the Best,



  1. My pair are still serviceable, I would like to see them brought back for another generation.

  2. i have my mothers and will never let them die :)

  3. Mine are almost completely worn out!!! Please, please, please, please, please!!!!!!

  4. Please bring back the lounger boot!
